It is the evaluation of the technical competence of the bodies that grant Halal certificates in accordance with the Gulf Standard GSO 2055-2 (General Requirements for Halal Certification Bodies), which provides the customers of these bodies with confidence in the competency of the services they provide. These certificates confirm that the product is Halal and demonstrate its compliance with the Islamic Sharia, which also ensure that the product is granted the certificate from a legitimate source or slaughtered in the Islamic way.
Application for accreditation is submitted by the conformity assessment body via the Saudi Accreditation Centre website.
The Saudi Accreditation Center verifies the application and the relevant submitted documents for the completeness of the requirements.
The Saudi Accreditation Center reviews and evaluates the documents of the conformity assessment body.
The Saudi Accreditation Center visits the premises of the conformity assessment body to verify and assess its competence.
After ensuring that the requirements are met and that the conformity assessment body is competent, a decision to grant the accreditation is made.