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General requirements for accreditation devices 17011 ISO/IEC

This standard means an understanding of the requirements for the efficiency, consistent operation and impartiality of accreditation centers that assess and accredit conformity assessment bodies. Activities covered by accreditation include, but are not limited to, testing, calibration, inspection, and certification of management systems, people, products, processes, and services, provision of proficiency testing, production of reference materials, validation, and verification.

General requirements for the efficiency of testing and calibration laboratories 17025 ISO/IEC

This standard is concerned with the activity of conformity assessment, which was prepared to clarify the requirements for the accreditation of technical and administrative examination, measurement, and calibration laboratories. It aims to give confidence in the work of laboratories and improve their ability to issue accurate and guaranteed results. Laboratory results between different entities.

General requirements for accreditation of inspection bodies 17020 ISO/IEC

This standard is concerned with the activity of conformity assessment, which was prepared to clarify the requirements for the accreditation of technical and administrative inspection bodies. It aims to give confidence in the inspection work and improve its ability to issue accurate and reliable reports. Inspection between different parties.

Requirements for the accreditation of certification bodies for quality management systems 17021 ISO/IEC

The international standard (ISO/IEC 17021-1) is a requirement prepared to clarify the requirements for accreditation of technical and administrative quality management systems certification bodies. Which aims to give confidence to all interested parties that the services or operations meet the requirements specified for them.

Certification requirements for products, processes and services 17065 ISO/IEC

The standard stands for Conformity Assessment Activity - which is prepared to clarify the requirements for the accreditation of certification bodies for products, processes, technical and administrative services and which aims to give confidence to all interested parties that a product, process or service meets the requirements specified for it.

Requirements for the accreditation of certification bodies for individuals. 17024 ISO/IEC

The standard stands for Conformity Assessment Activity - which was prepared to clarify the requirements for the accreditation of technical and administrative personnel certification bodies such as (which aims to give confidence to all interested parties that the services or processes meet the requirements specified for them.

Medical laboratory accreditation requirements 15189 ISO

The standard is concerned with the activity of conformity assessment, which was prepared to clarify the requirements for the accreditation of technical and administrative medical laboratories. It aims to give confidence in the work of medical laboratories and improve their ability to issue accurate and guaranteed results. Laboratories between different entities.

General requirements and requirements for Halal certification bodies 2-GSO 2055

The standard is concerned with verifying the technical competence of the bodies that grant Halal certificates, which gives the customers of these bodies confidence in the quality of their services that they provide. These certificates permit the product and prove its compliance with Islamic law, so that the product is from a legitimate source or slaughtered according to the Islamic method.

Quality management systems 9001 ISO

The international standard ISO 9001 for quality management systems is a set of policies, processes and procedures necessary for planning, implementing and providing (products / services) in order to ensure the ability of the facility to meet the requirements of customers, and the quality management system works to establish the principle of continuous improvement of the services and products provided.

environmental management systems 14001 ISO

The international standard ISO 14001 for environmental management systems, as this standard specifies the best way to develop an effective environmental management system. It has been developed to help organizations sustain their commercial success while keeping the environment in mind.

Food safety management systems ISO 22000

The international standard ISO 22000 for food safety management systems is a set of control policies and procedures that must be implemented to ensure that there are processes that can meet the requirements of the customer and the legislative requirements for food safety, and this standard applies to organizations that participate directly or indirectly in one or more steps in the food chain .

Information security management systems 27001 ISO/IEC

The international standard ISO 27001 for information security management systems is an information security management system that is approved, applied, maintained and constantly improved, within practical frameworks, allowing sensitive and confidential data to be kept securely and reducing the possibility of illegal or unauthorized access to it. It also allows security risk management and recovery information and reduce security breaches.

Quality management systems for medical devices 13485 ISO

The international standard ISO 13485 for quality management systems for medical devices is a quality system for facilities that produce medical devices or everything related to the medical aspect of supplies, and it is a recognized global quality system, and it requires defining regulatory requirements, risk management and supplier controls, and it also requires defining design, manufacturing and production processes .

Energy management systems 50001 ISO

The international standard ISO 14001 for energy management systems is a management system in the field of energy, and when the entity applies it, it is through a specific framework that guarantees it achieving continuous improvement in energy management, and this includes providing sufficient energy, consuming it and using it with the best possible efficiency.

Occupational health and safety management systems 45001 ISO

The international standard ISO 45000 for occupational health and safety management systems is a safety management system to enable establishments in all its forms to provide healthy and safe workplaces, by OH&S and occupational health by providing an integrated system for the prevention of work injuries, and the prevention of diseases affecting health.


Accreditation is the independent evaluation (SAAC evaluation) of conformity assessment bodies against recognized standards to carry out specific activities to ensure their impartiality and competence.

Conformity Assessment Activity

The legal activity of the conformity assessment body when evaluating.


A qualified person entrusted by the Center with evaluating a conformity assessment body in a specific field requiring accreditation.

Technical Assessor

A qualified assessor, appointed by SAAC, who has specific knowledge and technical proficiency concerning the scope of accreditation that needs to be assessed and does it independently.

Accreditation Process

A designed, consistent and objective process whereby an accreditation officer is assigned to each applicant to assist the applicant “conformity assessment body” through application submission to granting and maintaining accreditation according to the accreditation plan


A systematic, independent, documented process, carried out by the Center, to determine the competence of the conformity assessment body following international standards and/or reference documents according to the field of accreditation.

Grant Accreditation

Grant accreditation to the conformity assessment body in a specific field.

Extend Accreditation

Add conformity assessment activities to the accredited field.

Suspend Accreditation

Temporary discontinuation of body’s accreditation, if it fails to meet the accreditation requirements or comply with the accreditation requirements or voluntarily requests that all or part of its accreditation be suspended.

Accreditation Certificate

Accreditation status indicates a conformity assessment body is no longer accredited by SAAC. This can result from a serious lack of compliance with the Standards, failure to follow accreditation regulations, or the body may voluntarily withdraw its accreditation.


List of tests or processes that have been evaluated and accredited by the center and attached to the accreditation certificate.


Accreditation has been suspended at the body's request or based on SAAC's decision.


A mark granted by SAAC to the approved conformity assessment bodies in a specific field.


A request submitted by the conformity assessment body to reconsider any unfavorable accreditation decision related to the required accreditation status.

Conformity Bodies (CB)

Bodies approved by the Center to carry out conformity assessment, referred to as “Bodies”.

Certification Officer

A representative of SAAC who is authorized to manage all conformity assessment bodies documents.

Evaluation Team Leader

A qualified assessor assigned by the center and given overall responsibility for assessment activities to a specific conformity assessment body.

Technical Expert

A person appointed by SAAC, working under the supervision of an assessor who provides specific knowledge or experience concerning the scope of the accreditation that needs to be assessed and does not work independently.

Accreditation Activity

Specific activities for which conformity assessment bodies seek accreditation.

Accreditation Decision

SAAC takes accreditation decisions (granting, maintaining, expanding, reducing, suspending, and withdrawing) based on the compliance of the conformity assessment bodies with the international standard and other mandatory documents.

Maintain Accreditation

Confirm that the conformity assessment body still maintains its accreditation in its approved field.

Reduce Accreditation

Cancellation of part of the accreditation scope if the conformity assessment body fails to meet the accreditation requirements, follow the accreditation rules, or voluntarily requests to reduce accreditation.

Withdrawn Accreditation

including removal of the Organization from SAAC website pending resolution of issue.

Accreditation Field

An official document issued to the conformity assessment body in a specific field.


The accreditation is valid.


Accreditation has expired and in this case it is considered withdrawn.

Neutrality / Objectiveness

When there is no conflict of interest or that these interests are resolved so that they do not negatively affect the activities of SAAC.

Advisory Committee

A group of people, usually volunteers, whether from or outside SAAC, who meet to recommend policies and procedures for accreditation activities.

Open data
Introduction to Open Data
  • Open data refers to data that can be freely used by any individual without technical, financial, or legal restrictions. Additionally, it can be reused and redistributed while adhering to the legal license requirements under which this data is published through the national portal for open data.
The goal of open data
  • Enabling stakeholders to access conformity assessment body services to verify their eligibility by ensuring the validity and scope of their accreditation by the center.
  • Enabling researchers and stakeholders interested in the center's activities to access data on accredited conformity assessment bodies through the center's website, in addition to the open data platform.
  • Enhancing transparency by providing beneficiaries access to data.
The main Principles of Open Data
The first principle: The default in data is accessibility

This principle ensures the accessibility of public sector data to everyone by disclosing it, enabling access to it, or using it unless its nature requires non-disclosure, privacy protection, or confidentiality.

The second principle: Open format and machine-readable accessibility

Data is made available and provided in a machine-readable format that allows for automated processing, typically saved in commonly used file formats such as CSV, XLS, JSON, or XML.

The third principle: Timeliness of data

The latest version of open data sets is regularly published and made available to everyone as soon as they are ready. Additionally, aggregated data collected by public entities is released as quickly as possible once collected, whenever feasible, with priority given to data that becomes less useful over time.

The fourth principle: Comprehensiveness

Open data sets should be comprehensive and include the maximum amount of detail possible, reflecting recorded data in a manner that does not contradict personal data protection policies. Descriptive data should also be included to explain and clarify priority data, along with providing explanations or methodologies that illustrate how the data is extracted or calculated.

The fifth principle: Non-discrimination

Open data sets should be accessible to everyone without discrimination and without the need for registration. Anyone should be able to access published open data at any time without the need to verify their identity or provide a reason for accessing it.

The sixth principle: Without financial cost

Open data must be made available to everyone free of charge.

The seventh principle: Open Data Licensing in the Kingdom

Open data is subject to a license that defines the legal framework for using open data, as well as the terms, obligations, and restrictions imposed on the user. The use of open data indicates acceptance of the licensing terms.

The eighth principle: Governance model development and inclusivity

Open data facilitates access and participation for everyone, enhances the transparency and accountability of public entities, and supports decision-making processes and service delivery.

The ninth principle: Inclusive Development and Innovation

Entities are expected to play an active role in promoting the reuse of open data and providing the necessary resources and expertise to support it. Entities should work collaboratively with stakeholders to empower the next generation of innovators in the field of open data and involve individuals, institutions, and the public in general within the framework of open data capabilities.


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